Block all public access

  1. In the S3 bucket interface

    • Select Permissions
    • Currently, we see Block all public access is Off because we turned Off in step 4
    • Select Edit


    • Select Block all public access
    • Select Save changes


    • Another window appears to confirm the edit, enter confirm
    • Select confirm


    • Block all public access has been enabled, now no public access will be able to connect to your S3 Bucket.


  2. Test function Block all public access

    • In the S3 bucket interface
    • Select Properties


  • Scroll to the bottom of the page, at Static website hosting
  • Select the square symbol to copy the URL


  • Press the key combination: Ctrl + Shift + N to open a new incognito browser (avoid the browser re-caching the website in step 6) & paste the copied URL above.


-> Congratulations you have successfully Block all public access